For every man, it is the sexual organ that is an important manifestation of masculinity. In an intimate setting with a sexual partner, a man wants to feel confident and proud, and this directly depends on the size of his penis. Medicine says that the size of the penis is individual, and there are no standards, but studies have shown that women prefer to choose partners with men with a larger penis.
The size of the penis affects the pleasure that a woman experiences during intercourse. And sexual satisfaction makes your partner happy. And that is why, in order to help men whom nature did not endow with large sizes, extenders were created. With their help, every man can increase his penis!
How penis extenders increase their size
In 2011, Marco Ordena and Paolo Gontero, doctors from the University of Turin, conducted a study on non-invasive penis enlargement, collecting all known medical data on this topic. The main goal was to find out which methods of penis enlargement really give noticeable results.
Much attention was paid to penis extenders . Marco and Paolo themselves write about extenders:
These devices can provide an effective and long-term elongation of the penis, both in a flaccid and erect state. It appears that extenders represent the only proven technique for penis lengthening.” After reviewing all the medical research, the doctors concluded: “Evidence suggests that penile extenders are effective methods of penis lengthening. Therefore, the use of such devices can be recommended to all patients regardless of the length of the penis.
Should we trust what Marco Ordena and Paolo Gontero write? Undoubtedly, they are respected doctors and their research has been published in the prestigious British Journal of Urology International (BJUI).
But still, I decided to search the web for existing medical studies on extenders myself. I concluded that studies on penis traction, conducted by different doctors using different methods and tests, lead to the same conclusion: the safest and most reliable method of penis enlargement penis is the penis method traction used by penis extenders.
Would you like to have an 8.7-inch penis? The SizeGenetics penis extender is faster, lighter, more comfortable, and guarantees extra inches!
With this statement on the official website, SizeGenetics meets its potential users. What can I say! Yes, I would like my penis size to be just that. One can only imagine with what delight my girlfriend will look at it! But let’s not believe the words and figure out what SizeGenetics extenders are, how they work, and their benefits.
The first thing that catches your eye when studying SizeGenetics is that they are really popular. The company calls its extender the most powerful on the market and is ready to refund your money if you don’t get results. Users flooded the network with reviews, and most of them were positive:
“I have been using the extender for 5 hours a day for five months. When I started, my penis was 5 inches, but now it is 6.5 and continues to grow. As a result, my erections became stronger, harder, and longer, and my orgasms and ejaculations became more intense. Very satisfied!”
“I have been using SizeGenetics for 4 months now. I increased my length from 2 inches to almost 6 inches. My girlfriend loves the results, but she doesn’t know what I do. She thinks it grows naturally in me! SizeGenetics saved my sex life!”
“I have been using it for 6 months and am happy to confirm that everything is fine! I have Peyronie’s disease and the curvature of my penis goes away month after month. I had a curvature of 30 degrees when I started, and now it’s 15 degrees. I am delighted with the results.”
Yes, in addition to increasing the length and girth of the penis, the SizeGenetics extender is also effective for Peyronie’s disease.
The extender is a certified medical device that is safe and designed for comfortable home use.
How does SizeGenetics work? My Review
The SIzeGenetics extender is put on the penis, fixed at a certain stretch, and worn in this position from 1 to 6 hours a day. Prolonged stretching stimulates and trains the penis. The use of an extender ensures the appearance of new cells in the penis, due to which the lengthening and thickening of the penis occur.
The classic extender consists of a base ring and a stand for the head of the penis, which is connected by extension rods. The penis is threaded into the base ring, and the head of the penis is fixed on the stand with a strap or silicone tube. Extension rods adjust the required length. SizeGenetics is quick and easy to assemble and comes with clear instructions.
SizeGenetics or another manufacturer’s extender?
What is its advantage over other extenders if SizeGenetics is a classic penis extender? In my opinion, the answer is quite obvious: there are many different manufacturers on the market, and here, in addition to the result, another factor is important – this is safety.
It’s about your penis, and whichever extender you choose, you need to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. And this means that the extender must have a quality certificate and be approved by medicine. Here are the main benefits that I have highlighted in this amazing SizeGenetics extender :
- Premium quality: The SizeGenetics Extender is made from premium materials and carefully considered design and ergonomics.
- First-Class Manufacturer: Manufacturer SizeGenetics has been in the industry for over 20 years. The manufacturer has one of the best reputations in the market. You won’t regret buying SizeGenetics.
- Balance: The extender is designed so that the user can get the perfect balance for the best result. Less traction will not bring benefits, while more traction will create health risks. The perfect balance from SizeGenetics provides ‘no more, no less’ traction for great results and no risk to your penis.
- Comfort: Men think that wearing any device on the penis must be painful. This may be the case if you are using one of the poor-quality and cheap extenders that are flooding the market. But if you care about your penis, then SizeGenetics is for you! It is made of medical materials, has a quality certificate, it is extremely comfortable and safe.
- Best Result: Wearing this device for 6 months will surely increase your penis by 1-3 inches.
- Super Confidence: Once you get the result, your penis will grow 1-3 inches and you will feel more confident in bed. You can give great pleasure to your partner.
If these benefits are not enough for you and you are not sure you should trust SizeGenetics, here are some more scientific proofs that few other extender manufacturers can boast of.
“The most convenient device in the world. FDA Approved Ultimate Comfort System!”
Another statement on the official website of SizeGenetics is also confirmed by the facts.
US scientists and doctors have conducted extensive scientific research on the SizeGenetics Extender and they have found it to be safe to use and a proven genital extender.
SizeGenetics is a Type 1 registered medical device approved for use by the FDA, known for its strict regulations.
The manufacturer followed the most stringent manufacturing procedures for the device and used high-quality medical equipment and materials. Using SizeGenetics does not carry any risks. It is completely safe, which is confirmed. Be sure that SizeGenetics will work for you with 100% results!
I’ll add another study that I found on the net:
In 2016, a doctor from the Swiss Journal of Urology named Dr. M. Hinder conducted experiments on 24 men (aged 21 to 60) to test the effectiveness of SizeGenetics.
The men wore the extender 8 hours a day, 6 days a week for 6 months.
After 6 months, Dr. M. Hinder got the following results:
- The average length of the penis has increased by 2-3 inches
- The range has increased significantly.
What is penis traction?
Penis Traction is a method of stretching the penis, in which you wear a special device ( extender ) for a certain time, based on the concept of natural cell division. The extender gently and painlessly stretches the penis for a long time, enlarging and straightening it.
In penile traction therapy, the extender gently and painlessly stretches the penis for a long time, enlarging and straightening it. Stretching creates micro-tears at the cellular level, and with prolonged stretching, your body naturally begins to fill in these micro-tears with new cells, which leads to an increase in size.
This is analogous to how the body builds muscle after exercise. As with muscle building, it takes some time to increase the length and size of the penis. It usually takes six months to one year of continuous use to notice any significant change.
Operating principle:
- prolonged stretching stimulates and trains the penis
- regular use ensures the appearance of new cells in the penis
- due to this, there is an elongation, thickening, and straightening of the penis
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should an extender be worn per day?
If you are a beginner, starting with one hour a day is recommended, increasing the wearing time as you get used to it. The recommended time is 5-6 hours a day. This will allow you to see the result in 2-3 months.
It’s safe?
Yes, the SizeGenetics medical device is FDA certified and recognized as safe for health.
How to use SizeGenetics?
SizeGenetics is explicitly designed for ease of use. It is intuitively easy to assemble and put on. In addition, the extender comes with detailed instructions.
What results can I expect?
After 6 months of daily wear for 5-6 hours, you can expect an increase in penis length of 1-3 inches.
Are the results permanent?
Continuous use will always equate to continuous improvement. Given that new cells develop in areas of increased pressure, the effect is considered permanent. However, after increasing the length of the penis to the size you want, it is recommended to continue using the extender from time to time.
Can I wear it in public places or while sleeping?
Yes, the extender can be worn in public places, but it is recommended to wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement when wearing the extender. Tight clothing is strongly discouraged and may cause injury. SizeGenetics can interfere with your sleep during sleep because you do not lie static and turn all the time. To determine whether you are comfortable sleeping with it, you need to try.
If wearing extender rubs, what should I do?
Each penis is individual. And sometimes, in compassionate men, chafing occurs. The company has taken care of this: you can purchase special patches that will help you deal with this on the official website:
How to increase comfort when wearing an extender?
The company offers a wide range of accessories that can further enhance the comfort of the extender. For example, you can use a 4-piece protective pad if your head is not very comfortable. “Open” the protective pad with three fingers and place it on the back of the glans penis. Then, place the strap right on top of it. After use, it will return to its original size for a snug fit. It can be reused. The company also offers to Accelerate moisturizer, Accelerate talc Traction, disinfectant Accelerate Clean, protective pads, etc. All of these can be purchased individually or as a set on the official website:
Is sex allowed during treatment?
Yes! Some users report improved erection and stamina due to increased blood flow to the area after prolonged traction.
Are there side effects when using SizeGenetics?
No – use does not affect fertility, stamina, urinary strength, or erection. Many users report improved erections and stamina due to increased blood flow due to the treatment.
Where can I buy it?
The most reliable and only way to buy a SizeGenetics extender is to go to the manufacturer’s official website.
The original extender is sold only on the official website! Could you not buy it from other online stores? All discounts are available only on the official website and a money-back guarantee.
Also, the original SizeGenetics is not sold on Amazon or eBay
Money-Back Guarantee
The company guarantees that the device will work, so if the result of the device is not effective, you will receive a 100% refund.
SizeGenetics packages
SizeGenetics Packages: Exploring Contents and Accessories for Effective Penis Enlargement
SizeGenetics is a reputable brand in the field of penis enlargement, offering a range of packages designed to cater to the unique needs and preferences of individuals seeking a safe and effective method for increasing penis size. In this article, we will delve into the various SizeGenetics packages available and explore their contents and accessories to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding SizeGenetics
SizeGenetics is a traction-based penis enlargement system that works by applying gentle and controlled tension to the penis, stimulating cell division and tissue growth over time. This non-invasive approach to penis enlargement has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and safety.
Different SizeGenetics Packages, Contents, and Accessories
- SizeGenetics Value Edition:
- Contents: The Value Edition includes the core SizeGenetics device, which comprises adjustable elongation rods, a base ring, and a comfort strap or noose. It also comes with a basic carrying case for storage and travel.
- Accessories: This package is a cost-effective entry point for individuals new to penis enlargement. It provides the essentials needed to start using the SizeGenetics device and experience its benefits.
- SizeGenetics Comfort Package:
- Contents: The Comfort Package includes the core SizeGenetics device with adjustable elongation rods and a base ring. It also provides spare parts for extended use, a luxury leather case for storage, and a comfort pad for enhanced wearability.
- Accessories: The additional accessories in this package are designed to enhance the overall comfort of wearing the device for extended periods. It is a suitable choice for those who prioritize comfort during their penis enlargement journey.
- SizeGenetics Ultimate System:
- Contents: The Ultimate System is the most comprehensive package offered by SizeGenetics. It includes the core SizeGenetics device with elongation rods and a base ring, spare parts for long-term use, and a luxury leather case for storage and travel.
- Accessories: The Ultimate System goes beyond the basics, offering a comfort pad for added wearability, a moisturizing cream to maintain skin health, and access to the PenisHealth™ online program. This program provides exercises and techniques to complement the SizeGenetics device, enhancing the user’s overall experience and results.
- SizeGenetics Curvature and Peyronie’s Edition:
- Contents: This specialized package is designed for individuals dealing with penile curvature or Peyronie’s disease. It includes the core SizeGenetics device, specific accessories tailored to address curvature issues, and instructional materials.
- Accessories: The accessories in this package are customized to help users straighten their penis while also achieving size gains. It is ideal for those with curvature concerns.
How to use SizeGenetics
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Assemble and Use SizeGenetics for Effective Penis Enlargement
SizeGenetics is a reputable and effective penis enlargement device that has helped countless men achieve their desired results. Proper assembly and usage are essential to maximize its benefits safely. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of assembling and using SizeGenetics.
Step 1: Unbox and Check Contents
Before you begin, ensure that you have received all the components of your SizeGenetics package. This typically includes the core device, elongation rods, a base ring, a comfort strap or noose (depending on your package), and any additional accessories that came with your chosen package.
Step 2: Assemble the SizeGenetics Device
- Attach the Base Ring: Start by attaching the base ring to the base of your penis. The base ring should be snug but not overly tight, ensuring a comfortable fit.
- Connect the Elongation Rods: Attach the elongation rods to the base ring by screwing them onto the ring. The number of elongation rods you use will depend on your comfort level and experience. Beginners may start with fewer rods and gradually increase the length as they become more accustomed to the device.
- Connect the Comfort Strap or Noose: If your package includes a comfort strap, attach it to the end of the elongation rods. Ensure that it’s securely fastened to your glans (the head of your penis). If your package includes a noose, gently place it around the glans, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit.
Step 3: Adjust Tension
Proper tension is crucial for effective penis enlargement with SizeGenetics. Start with a lower tension setting and gradually increase it over time as you become more accustomed to wearing the device. The tension should be comfortable but firm enough to feel a gentle stretch.
Step 4: Wear SizeGenetics Consistently
- Wear Time: Begin by wearing SizeGenetics for a recommended time of 2-6 hours per day. Consistency is key to achieving results, so make it a part of your daily routine.
- Take Breaks: It’s important to take short breaks during your wearing sessions to maintain circulation and avoid discomfort. A break of 10-15 minutes every hour is a good guideline.
Step 5: Hygiene and Maintenance
- Clean the Device: After each use, clean your SizeGenetics device with mild soap and warm water. Make sure it’s completely dry before storing it.
- Maintain Skin Health: To prevent any discomfort or irritation, apply a moisturizing cream to the areas of skin that come into contact with the device. This will help keep your skin healthy and comfortable.
Step 6: Track Your Progress
Regularly measure your penis size to track your progress. Many users see noticeable results after several weeks or months of consistent use. Remember that results may vary from person to person.
Step 7: Be Patient and Persistent
Achieving significant results with SizeGenetics takes time and dedication. Be patient and continue using the device consistently, adjusting the tension and wearing time as needed.
Final SizeGenetics review
SizeGenetics is a certified medical device made from quality medical materials. Numerous medical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this extender. The FDA certification is an indicator for me, so I consider the SizeGenetics extender to be the best on the market.
A company with 20 years of experience in the market. Affordable price, money back policy, privacy – it’s all about the user.
Moreover, most users also choose SizeGenetics – there are many positive online reviews for using this extender. Daily wear really gives a great result, and in half a year, your penis will grow up to 3 inches. I think it’s really cool!

I am a medical expert at the Institute of Urology in Kanzas